Breast Darn Thermography Blog Ever ~ This Ain't Your Mother's Breast Screening! Is your clinic performing thermography correctly?

Breast Darn Thermography Blog Ever ~ This Ain't Your Mother's Breast Screening!               Is your clinic performing thermography correctly?

Why isn't my progesterone working?! What doctors won't tell you about progesterone!

the breast doc

Stop popping pills, smooth on the cream to reduce risk for breast cancer and bonus - hormone balance. And finally say goodbye to PMS and symptoms of menopause. The complete guide to progesterone...Why. How to apply. Where to apply. When to apply. Where to purchase. Facts about dermal thinning, progesterone pills and sublingual. Progesterone vs Progestin.

Peek a Boo I See You ~ Breast Thermography Monitors for Neoangiogenesis

the breast doc

Girls can't wait to get them and women shouldn't wait to screen them. Imagine seeing the development of neoangiogenesis 6 - 10 years before a mammogram can catch it. Breast thermography is breast health screening which allows time for preventative treatment.

The Breast Deception ~ Estrogen Deficiency is Rare ~ Progesterone Deficiency is Rampant

the breast doc

We’ve been sold snake oil over the promise of eternal youth and it has cost us the lives of our mothers, sisters and daughters. Same ole' theory ~ same ole' results. Progesterone deficiency is abundant and increasing breast cancer risk.  Its time to face the ugly truth and make a stand TOGETHER.

Don’t be a fat cow ~ Is estrogen in popular foods causing you to gain weight?

the breast doc

Most Americans are shocked to learn they are consuming popular estrogen food products and don’t even realize it. MOOve over to the skinny side.

The Flax Fairytale ~ F Flax and the Horse it Rode In On

Wendy Sellens

If you think this title is offensive, wait until you learn how assumptions in the medical community have caused you to eat yet another poison apple. Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, the fairytale is actually a nightmare.

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All information, data, and material contained, presented, or provided on is for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed or intended as providing direct and/ or personal medical or legal advice. Decisions you make about your family's healthcare are important and should be made in consultation with a competent medical professional.
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