
The Flax Fairytale ~ F Flax and the Horse it Rode In On

Wendy Sellens




If you think this title is offensive, wait until you learn how assumptions in the medical community have caused you to eat yet another poison apple. Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, the fairytale is actually a nightmare.

Tune into The Boob Tube and watch flax videos:

Watch a flax study participant shares her story shocking story with flax:



Once upon a time, not too long ago, in a far-away sunny, exotic land called Southern California there was a sickly male veterinarian. This veterinarian began to notice how healthy and shiny the coats of horses were, and thought it must have something to do with their diet, as they ate from the flax plant. After observing the horses, this veterinarian deducted the plant could also be beneficial to humans, so he started supplementing his own diet with flax to see how he felt. With minimal research and based on his subjective findings he proceeded to build what he claims is the first flax supplemental company.

Oh, how this tale could have ended differently if it was a woman vet who had tried this supplement; this dangerous trend might never have been created.



Fact: 80 percent of all breast cancers are fed by estrogen*. If you want to decrease your risk for breast cancer don’t use or consume estrogens. Simple as that.

Flax is a plant estrogen. Many people suggest it’s weak and should be used to block harmful eco-estrogens, and some even go as far as suggesting it be used to block our own estrogen, which is crazy talk. Flax is a plant estrogen, it may be weak compared to a synthetic, but it is, in fact, an estrogen and stimulates the receptor site.

Never block your body’s own estrogen – it was produced especially for you. No matter what anyone tells you, your body is not out to kill you. It’s quite the opposite: your body is doing everything it can to keep you alive as looooong as possible. That is its primary function. That is its job, homeostasis or balance.


Above image is normal, for this patient. Below image is abnormal after 6 months of flax use. Abnormal thermograms require diagnostic imaging - a mammogram.


Flax is actually the strongest plant estrogen. Soy has 8,000 units of phytoestrogens per 1/4 cup, while flax is 20 times stronger with 163,000 PE units**. And you should already be familiar with how soy increased many diseases, one of which was breast cancer. Now imagine using a natural plant estrogen they say is 20 times stronger! YIKES. Imagine if the discovering vet was a female? She would have felt irritable, breast tenderness, PMS, weight gain and would have quickly ditched the flax and our fairytale would never have transpired.

When I requested evidence from this vet, proving flax is beneficial, I received a photocopy of a study from a book that is quite difficult to find. This study was a farce. The study looked at the effect of flax on rat colons. HUGE PROBLEM! There are no receptors for estrogen in the colon! Read that again: There are NO receptors for estrogen in the colon. For flax to affect an organ it has to have the receptor to influence. No receptor = no results.

The male vet’s study proves nothing. And this is what one of the original creators of flax built the supplemental flax empire on! This is what YOU are accepting as TRUTH! Wake up, Sleeping Beauty, the fairytale is actually a nightmare!

Our thermographic research proves flax, when consumed regularly, actually increases risk for breast cancer and recurring breast cancer plus side effects mentioned below. This ain’t your mother’s breast cancer prevention! If flax seeds and oil, in addition to fermented soy, were effective in blocking estrogen, then why aren’t breast cancer numbers decreasing? In fact, why is male breast cancer increasing? Why is the low testosterone trend increasing? Why is menarche (first period) starting at an earlier age (normal age is 14-16)? Start questioning.




How do I know this?! The vet’s daughter is a colleague of mine. It’s a small, small strange world, but I look at it as fate, that I should know one of the creators of the very battle I am fighting.

That is just half the story.

Many of you are shouting at your computer, “But it’s the source of my beneficial my omega 3!” NOPE! Wrong again. Flax, is unfortunately in the form of ALA, alpha-linolenic acid, not the active form of EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid, and DHA, docosahexaenoic acid. ALA is the shortest of the omega 3s. First it must be elongated, which is called "elongation," and this requires an enzyme – but it doesn't end there. The second requirement is called "increased desaturation." The omega-3 fat gets altered chemically, which provides more reactivity to the fat. All of these processes require the following nutrients: vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium, in order, to successfully convert ALA. If someone is deficient in any of these nutrients then the conversion is unable to be completed. It is strongly recommended to use the active forms of omega 3 EPA and DHA to get the vital nutrient.

Join the estrogen free™ revolution and live happily ever after. The end.





Warning: Do not ingest plant estrogens while pregnant as this will affect the development of your baby. Do not give to developing children under the age of 21. Excess estrogen will cause hormonal disorders in children such as early menarche, PMS, weight gain, moodiness or hormone imbalance with testosterone. Do not use flax or soy and other plant estrogens if you have been diagnosed with estrogen receptor positive breast cancer due to risk of possible reoccurrence from phytoestrogen stimulation.

Looking for more thermographic research? Read our other blogs, websites (links below) and groundbreaking book “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution” with 50 years combined research and 400 thermograms as evidence. To purchase just go to the home page of this website. Percentage of proceeds goes to our thermographic research non-profit.


*The symptoms, conditions and disease associated with excess estrogen are:

  • Acceleration of the aging process
  • Allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus, congestion
  • Autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosis and thyroiditis, and possibly Sjoegren's disease
  • Breast cancer
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cervical dysplasia
  • Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
  • Copper excess
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Depression with anxiety or agitation
  • Dry eyes
  • Early onset of menstruation
  • Endometrial (uterine) cancer
  • Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
  • Fatigue
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Foggy thinking
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Hair Loss
  • Headaches
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Increased blood clotting (increasing risk of stroke)
  • Infertility
  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Memory loss
  • Mood swings
  • Osteoporosis
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Premenopausal bone loss
  • PMS
  • Seizures related to menstruation  
  • Sluggish metabolism
  • Strokes
  • Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
  • Uterine cancer
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Water retention and bloating
  • **Implications of Phytoestrogen Intake for Breast Cancer by Christine Duffy, MD; Kimberly Perez, MD; and Ann Partridge, MD; CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 2007;57;260-277


    Flax is full of lignans (a type of phyto-estrogen), but totally different than that found in soy. Lignans help REVOVE EXCESS ESTROGEN from the blood & cause cancer cells to, basically, commit suicide. Your photos show increased blood flow to the breasts (which are highly vascular & that’s normal). Flax does increase blood flow (which is why it has such amazing cardiovascular benefits). Comparing soy & flax is like comparing GMO apples to organic oranges. I do see a fairytale here, but not about flax….
    Feb 20, 2016 Tracey

    • Tracey, thermograms do not demonstrate increased blood flow or circulation. Thermography doesn’t measure the circulatory system it monitors the sympathetic system. A sympathetic stress test is performed, which constricts normal blood vessels, while abnormal won’t constrict. Thermography is not regulated and most clinics are not performing it correctly, please refer to our book and other blogs for more information regarding breast thermography.

    Atypical thermograms demonstrate increased vascualrity and neoangiogenesis. Vascularity is stimulation of the existing blood vessels, circulation is blood flow within the vessels and neoangiogenesis is new blood vessel growth.

    As we discuss in our book normal vascularity can be seen during pregnancy and nursing. Hormonally balanced women will have NO vascularity, please refer to example below, as the blood vessels are not being stimulated. Unilateral patterns are abnormal and usually evidence of a disease or possibly, a benign tumor.

    Bilateral hypervascular thermograms are usually atypical and are usually evidence of an endocrine imbalance due to excess stimulation. As we show, in our book from 50 years of thermographic research, chronic stimulation, from all forms of estrogen, may influence neoangiogenesis. 80% of breast cancers are influenced by estrogen. Estrogen doesn't cause breast cancer it stimulates it. Use of bio-identical progesterone usually decreases bilateral vascualrity and breasts return to a non-vascular state, if it is an endocrine imbalance and not a disease.

    Our research is demonstrating that all phytoestrogens stimulate the estrogen receptors because they are bio-identical. Bio-identical does not mean "safe'' or "natural," it means similar chemical structure. Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy are bio-identical. Please refer to our website and compare thermograms from synthetic estrogens and phytoestrogens, you will note they are similar since they are bio-identical. Thank you
    Feb 20, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    Shame on you! I see no science in what you are saying or concluding. Where are your references to the original research that forms the basis for your conclusions. I am sure this will never be posted as it must be approved first, but I find your unfounded scare tactics deplorable.
    Feb 20, 2016 June

    • June, we walk readers through how flax studies are manipulated in chapter 5 of our book, this is just a blog. For more information, references, evidence and research read our book “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution.” To purchase go to the home page of this website. Percentage of proceeds goes to our thermographic research non-profit. Thank you
    Feb 20, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    My wife has been eating flaxseed oil and cottage cheese for many years now. This was developed by a German, Dr. Joanna Budwig. She lived to be 95; imagine how long she would have lived had she not used flax seed oil! ;)
    Feb 19, 2016 Gary Hickman

    • Gary, we discuss the Budwig Diet and walk readers through how flax studies are manipulated in chapter 5 of our book, this is just a blog. For more information and research read our book “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution.” To purchase go to the home page of this website. Percentage of proceeds goes to our thermographic research non-profit. Thank you
    Feb 20, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    Did anyone read the citation at the end of the article?
    Feb 19, 2016 Katie

    Tofu is not a health food. it is not fermented. It is unfermented soy. I understand there is a type of tofu that is less detrimental, but I don’t eat it.
    Feb 19, 2016 Priscilla

    Don’t agree with this article had breast cancer 10yrs ago been using flax in my daily diet starting with my cereal in the morning for 8 yrs now feeling fine.
    Feb 19, 2016 cecilia Caines

    Any research as to what harm there maybe when including Chia Seed in the diet? I use it and am now wondering? Time to check this out. Thanks for enlightening us on F* Flax. Just threw out my bag of unused flax.
    Feb 19, 2016 Olivia Close

    I would like to know how you include chia seeds at there is no talk in the articles or research on chia seeds and how about hemp seeds?
    Feb 18, 2016 Annie

    Olivia and Annie, we don’t make medical statements without thermographic research and/or evidence and currently we have NO thermographic evidence that chia seeds increase risk in the breasts. For other plant estrogens and more information please read our other blogs, website ( and groundbreaking book “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution. “ To purchase just go to home page of this website. Percentage of proceeds goes to our thermographic research non-profit.
    Feb 18, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    soy also has estrogen. It is not safe to be drinking. Safer soy is fermented, like real soy sauce and tofu. But I agree, I had chips with flax a few years ago, and I intuitively stay away from it now. it did not make me feel right.
    Feb 18, 2016 Elizabeth

    The title of the article also mentions chia but there was nothing in the article regarding Chia. Please elaborate. Is it also as bad as flax?
    Feb 18, 2016 Joan Wyatt

    Wow… when I was diagnosed with BC in 1998 the recommended diet stressed flax… as well as decreasing fat (I wish I knew then what I know now… I would have avoided sugar, not fat. Great Article!
    Feb 18, 2016 Claire Bondy

    I’m not sure if I’ve overlooked it. Is there a research paper written about this? If so, where can I find it?
    Feb 18, 2016 Heather

    • Heather, Our book contains all our research, 50 years combined, with 400 thermograms as evidence. “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution.” To purchase just go to home page of this website. Percentage of proceeds go to our thermographic research non-profit. Thank you
    Feb 18, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    I am not sure if this article is giving all the information.
    1) I recently found out that flax is best ground right before consuming as it turns acidic and thereby rancid and otherwise not good to anyone’s health.
    And so by flax seed make oil and refrain from light and heat as well as freshly ground and use promptly. More research is needed.
    2) A pharmacist who knows his stuff said the doctor put me on too much estrogen which in turn caused weight gain, mainly cellulite throughout my body.
    This pharmacist also told me that you can only go on this estrogen for 5 years as it has been known from validatetable studies to cause cancer. Therefore in turn I was told to find a bioavailable source of estrogen to treat my menopause by my doctor and that that would be the healthier approach.
    Also duly noted in this information was that progesterone and estrogen need to be balanced and that testosterone is needed as well to ward off my menopausal symptoms. Which a doctor can give requisition for lab tests to see your personalized levels.
    3) Another worthy note was that and this is well known to breast cancer patients as well that they are not to have anything that can feed the cancer with such things as for vit c and synthesis or bioavailable estrogen.
    4)I am ignorant in not knowing more on such cancers as yet I am thus far unscathed and grateful to the best of my knowledge. I really need to do more research on the flax issue and to know more about health and the right information is always welcomed for each of us.
    Thank-you for your article on this matter of flax, however, I personally think much more research is needed and I am intending to search it out. Such as flax turning rancid soon after being ground and yet in its natural form as a seed it is of no health benifit. Of course estrogen fed breast cancer should not be encouraged. Thanks H
    Feb 17, 2016 H. Strohm

    • H. Strohm, the vet’s original flax company dealt with rancidity effectively by producing the highest grade flax supplement. Cheap copycat companies cut corners and that is why there is a controversy surrounding rancidity. However, rancidity has nothing to do with the estrogenic properties of flax, neither does it’s form oil or seed. Flax is a hormone – phytoestrogen. Please refer to the book as we walk you through how flax studies are manipulated, as we briefly mention above. We agree, more research is needed, that is why we started the first thermographic research non-profit. Please consider for donations. Thermogrpahic research is the future and can test most supplements effect on the breasts, please refer to book for more of our research. Thank you
    Feb 17, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    Liquid from cooked chick peas, especially canned, makes a fluffy egg substitute when beaten.
    Feb 16, 2016 Sarah

    As an alternative you can use chia seeds. Haven’t done any research on them, maybe they’re like flax, but they have a similar gelify-ing/egg-white-like effect.
    Feb 14, 2016 BRitLail

    What about chia seeds? Are they OK? If so, they work as an egg substitute.
    Feb 14, 2016 Cristina

    Does this include flax seeds?
    Feb 14, 2016 Lynzi

    I have read that natural progesterone “opposes” estrogen – and many post-menopause women are low on progesterone, making them estrogen “dominant”(even tho estrogen is lower than when the woman was younger)
    What is your take on using natural progesterone cream to balance estrogen “dominance” post-menopause? (I do consume 1 TB organic ground flaxseed 4X weekly)
    Feb 13, 2016 Dee

     Dee, please read our other blog "The Complete Guide to Progesterone – All the Dos & Don’ts.
    Thank you
    Feb 16, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    I am confused…what am I seeing in the thermographic image that means there is an increased risk of cancer? It looks like increased vascularization but I really don’t know what it is. I am interested in your article but it the pics aren’t explained or the reasons why or how it actually increased the risk for breast cancer. If you are deficient the conversion is unable to be completed…so what is the consequence of that? And if you are not deficient and the conversion is completed, how is that bad? I just don’t understand and would love more clarification!
    Feb 13, 2016 linda

    • Linda, thank you for your suggestions, I have updated this blog. Please keep in mind this is just a short blog, more information, including the truth behind estrogen deficiency, can be found in our other blogs and even more details in our book. Thank you
    Feb 16, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    We use chia seeds as an egg substitute and I always thought it worked better than flax anyway.
    Feb 13, 2016 Wendy

    I am very confused as I just read this article which says the exact opposite. Any thoughts?
    Feb 13, 2016 ehajek

    Egg substitute: about 160 ml of oil mixed with about 30 ml with vinegar. That’s what I use in one eggles cake. No taste of vinegar. Works good.
    Feb 12, 2016 Maija

    How about these substitutes, minus the soy one?
    Feb 12, 2016 Cindy

    OMG! My dietician has just put me on flaxseed oil to increase my omega 3. I’ve had stage 2 breast cancer, the sort that thrives on oestrogen and progesterone. I’m on Tamoxifen for the next 5 years. Far out I had no idea about this.
    Feb 12, 2016 Massiel

     So what do you suggest as an alternative? My son is on a top 6 elimination diet, which includes eggs so we use ground flax as an egg substitute every once in a while when we have pancakes.
    Jan 17, 2016 Heather

    Heather, thank you for your inquiry. Unfortunately, we do not know of a substitute, only to abstain, but we would like to hear what others may suggest. What you can do is research egg substitutes and look for ingredients that don’t include plant (flax or soy) or synthetic hormones. We are always encouraging our patients and readers to share their knowledge and information. For example, at my clinic in Solana Beach CA, my patients assist in researching local healthy options. They share which farmers have the best eggs, raw milk, honey, etc., available locally. We would appreciate it if readers would post healthy substitute suggestions. Please remember life is about balance. A small amount once a month MAY be acceptable. We are concerned with people who are supplementing with this strong plant estrogen daily, or multiple times weekly, especially estrogen receptor positive breast cancer patients. Thank you
    Jan 21, 2016 #thebreastdoc

    Made with heaps of love, insurmountable work, oodles of research, the usual blood, sweat, tears, and of course sacrifice of my social life and a few minor melt downs. #thebreastdoc Wendy Sellens DAOM WABT-BTI ~ THE No BS Breast Thermologist

    Wendy Sellens is a Chinese medical doctor, breast thermologist, thermography and hormone researcher and protégé to William B. Hobbins M.D., one of the original mammography researchers, leading researcher in thermography and renowned breast surgeon. She is following her mentor’s pioneering spirit and is president of the consumer advocacy group the Women’s Academy of Breast Thermography, president of The Pink Bow Breast Thermography Research and Education non-profit, author of “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution” and creator of the Estrogen Free® lifestyle to dramatically reduce risk of breast cancer and hormonal disorders in the entire family.

    I’ve provided the TRUTH & I DARE you to…learn more…join the rebellion

    Breast cancer IS preventable with The Estrogen Free® Diet

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