
Live Commando! Drop Your Panties For A Healthier Lifestyle

the breast doc

Did you know your underwear may be increasing health risks? Don’t get your panties in a bunch. 8 reasons to drop your panties for a healthier lifestyle.

Hey troops! Did you know your underwear may be increasing health risks? Yup, you spend thousands on pretty undies and they could be contributing to some pretty nasty or uncomfortable stuff. Don’t get your panties in a bunch read on…

If you suffer from chronic yeast and bladder infections you might want to ditch your panties and bras and Live Commando - a healthier lifestyle down under.

8 reasons to drop your panties:

1. The chemicals used in the majority of panties are commercial grade synthetic estrogen, but your pretty mind knew that already since you've been following me. Yup, your skin, the largest organ is exposed 24/7 times how many years? And this is your delicate little flower! Can't even think about what you've exposed her to!

2. Wearing panties, especially a thong or Spanx, traps heat and dampness, which allows bacteria to grow and could increase yeast and bladder infections that tend to grow in warm moist climates.

This tip is especially important during workouts. I’m shocked by the amount of women who wear panties at the gym, especially with yoga pants! Really?! Trapped heat and sweat = major issues downstairs.

My motto: never wear panties with pants or shorts, keep your cha cha dry by allowing air flow. It is down under after all and your cha cha likes a breeze. But remember to keep it classy! Be a priss when wearing skirts or a dress and please wear panties, no one needs to see it!

Some critics say not wearing panties increases your risk of rashes, lice, and infections. I’ve personally Lived Commando since 2001 and I’ve never had a rash or a case of lice. Along with simple nutritional changes, and proper cleansing, discussed in other blogs, ditching my panties has dramatically reduce chronic infections. I encourage all my patients to Live Commando and they all testify to the same results. Many ladies are concerned with discharge, a valid concern, which will be addressed in another blog.

3. Many women wear synthetic, tight panties or Spanx - these can cause constriction, which may lead to stagnation in the lymphatic system. There is a major chain of lymph in the groin area which you don’t want to obstruct.

4. No panty lines. How many outfits are ruined by strange panty lines? Causing you to wear the worst offender of all. The thong.

5. You all know how difficult it is to find comfortable panties, imagine a day where you don’t have to slide up against a wall at work, look both ways and slyly pick your panties out of your tush. How many of us are with clients, co-workers, on a date and have to struggle with our panties in a bunch? (That saying was created out of experience!) You can’t concentrate on what is being said because all you want to do is excuse yourself and go to the bathroom and dig them out. Can you even imagine the millions of women who have been caught on elevator cameras pulling them out? Save yourself the hassle – ditch the panties.

6. I only have a few panties, which saves me a TON of money. Pretty panties are expensive!

7. There is no evidence bras cause breast cancer, however they do compress the breasts, which may decrease circulation. Healthy breasts require circulation, let ’em be free. Unfortunately, it’s not proper to go braless at work, so as soon as you get home rip ’er off. If you have a husband/partner they usually love this, it will attract more touching, which leads to a healthier love life. This can include massage too, fun and healthy! (Hmmm, Living Commando increases happy relationships, not only preventing breast cancer but saving relationships too)

DO NOT sleep in a bra. Do I even need to explain that?

And when you see one of the tribe out and about braless, don’t shame her, praise her.

8. But the best reason for Living Commando – it’s daring! Crazy to think everyone at  work or the store is tightly wound up and you're - free ballin'! (I'm stealing that word)! Freedom, Ladies!

Tell your Besties or Mom Club and encourage others to drop their panties!

Every day you make a choice. Choose bad ass a little more often. Live Commando to reduce synthetic estrogen hormones, risk of chronic infections and constrictions for a comfortable, healthier lifestyle.

Join our revolution today! 

#thebreastdoc Wendy Sellens DAOM WABT-BTI ~ THE No BS Breast Thermologist

Wendy Sellens is a Chinese medical doctor, breast thermologist, thermography and hormone researcher and protégé to William B. Hobbins M.D., one of the original mammography researchers, leading researcher in thermography and renowned breast surgeon. She is following her mentor’s pioneering spirit and is president of the consumer advocacy group the Women’s Academy of Breast Thermography, president of The Pink Bow Breast Thermography Research and Education non-profit, author of “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution” and creator of the Estrogen Free® lifestyle to dramatically reduce risk of breast cancer and hormonal disorders in the entire family.

I’ve provided the TRUTH & I DARE you to…learn more!

Defend tee tees® breast cancer IS preventable with The Estrogen Free® Diet

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