
Breast Canswers to Estrogen Lies ~ Rethink Estrogen

the breast doc


Estrogen dominance is a disorder sold to us by the medical community which we swallowed daily. The medical community has always known that estrogen increases breast cancer. It is time to awaken from this nightmare and realize we had the power all along. We have a generation to save…our daughters.

Hey troops! I stumbled across this book the week we were going to print our book, “Breast Cancer Boot Camp-Dr. Hobbins’s Breast Thermography Revolution” I called my publisher and sweet talked this incredible history of estrogen into chapter 7 "Breast Canswerers to Estrogen Lies."

It is time to rethink estrogen. It does not keep you young, it is a killer.



“Estrogens and Breast Cancer: A Chronology” by Carol Ann Rinzler

1929:   The first estrogen (estrone) is isolated and identified

1931:   First American woman given first injection of estrogen

1932:   Estrogen injections produce malignant breast tumors in male laboratory mice

1934:   First use of estrogens to treat symptoms of menopause

1937:   Natural female hormones used to suppress ovulation in laboratory rabbits at Penn State University

            The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 67 cases per 100,000 (white) women

1938:   Chemists at Schering Company produce estrogen pills

1940:   The first oral estrogens for ERT go on sale

Scientists at the National Cancer Institute find synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol (DES) produces breast tumors in male and female laboratory mice

The leading causes of cancer deaths among American women are cancer of the uterus and cancer of the stomach

The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 59 cases for every 100,000 women

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer in 1-in-20

1941:   More than a dozen brands of estrogen are available for treatment of menopausal and menstrual disorders

1944:   Syntex, a pharmaceutical company, created to manufacture and sell synthetic progesterone

1945:   Cancer researcher discover that a chemical’s ability to stimulate unregulated cell growth is one measure of its potential carcinogenicity

1950:   The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 65 cases for every 100,000 women

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer in 1-in-15

1951:   Birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger makes first donation to support Gregory Goodman Pincus’ research on chemical contraceptives

            Syntex steroid chemist Carl Djerassi patents nonethindrone, the first effective oral progestin

1955:   More than thirty brands of estrogen products on the market: injectible solutions, pills, ointments, suppositories, and nasal sprays

1956:   G.D. Searle and Planned Parenthood begin trials of the estrogen/progestin birth control pill in Puerto Rico

1957:   FDA approves use of estrogen/progestin combination for medical conditions such as menstrual disorders

1960:   FDA grants permission for Searle to market an estrogen/ progestin product, Enovid-10 as an oral contraceptive

The Merck Index publishes its first warning of a link between estrogen and caner of the breast and reproductive organs

The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 72 cases for every 100,000 women

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1-in-15

1961:   800,000 American women fill their first prescription for an oral contraceptive

1962:   FDA approves a second oral contraceptive, Ortho Pharmaceuticals’’ Ortho-Novum

1963:   1.2 million American women are using the Pill

            Robert Wilson meets “Mrs. P.G.,” the woman whose use of Enovid-10 keeps her “young” at age fifty

1965:   1-in-4 married American women has used or is using birth control pills

1966:   Robert Wilson publishes Feminine Forever; estimates that in 1967 the number of “sexually restored, post-menopausal women” will pass 14,000

1969:   British Committee on Safety of drugs recommends banning oral contraceptives containing more that 50 mcg estrogen

The First National Conference on Breast Cancer, sponsored by the American Cancer Society (ACS) and the U.S Public Health Service, convenes in Washington D.C.

The ACS predicts 29,000 female breast cancer deaths

The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 72.5 cases for every 100,000 white; 60.1 cases for every 100,000 black women

1970:   First warning (blood clots) included in package insert for oral contraceptives

            8.5 million American women are using birth control pills; 65 percent of them are “high dose” products with more that 50 mcg of estrogen

The American Medical Association’s Council on Drugs says that estrogen may stimulate existing breast tumors to malignant activity

The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 74 cases for every 100,000 women

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1-in-13

1971:   Synthetic estrogen (DES) reported to cause vaginal cancers in daughter of women who took the drug while pregnant

            Second National Conference on Breast Cancer convenes in Los Angeles

1972:   Breast cancer is now the leading cause of cancer deaths among American women

1973:   10 million American women, including 36 percent of all married women, are using birth control pills

1974:   70 percent of all married American women have a “favorable view” of The Pill

5 million American women are using estrogen to relieve menopausal symptoms

The ACS predicts 90,000 new cases of female breast cancer and 33,000 female breast cancer deaths

1975:   An NCI study shows a six- to elevenfold increase in incidence of breast cancer among women with prior history of benign breast disease who had used The Pill for more than six years

            Four separate studies show an increase as high as 50 percent in the incidence of endometrial cancer among women using estrogen products

1976:   22.3 percent of all fertile American women are using oral contraceptives

            Approximately 6 million women are using ERT

            Study of one doctor’s practice in Kentucky show an overall 30 percent increased risk of breast cancer among women using ERT

1977:   The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 81 cases for every 100,000 women

1980:   19 percent of American women of childbearing age use The Pill

            17 percent of all birth control pills sold in the United States still contain more than 50 mcg estrogen

A study in two Los Angeles retirement communities shows an 80 percent higher risk of breast cancer among women who take a cumulative lifetime dose of 1,500 mcg estrogen

The incidence of breast cancer in the United States is 90 cases for every 100,000 women

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1-in-11

1981:   Research at the University of Southern California find a significant increase in the incidence of breast cancer among women who use oral contraceptives before a first full-term pregnancy

            Researchers from the National Institute of Health publish study of 1,600 women in twenty-nine cancer centers across the country showing that use of ERT may raise a woman’s risk of breast cancer to nearly seven times higher than normal

1982:   Following publicity about acute effects of oral contraceptives (blood clots, migraine, heart attacks, stroke) the percentage of American married women using The Pill falls to 19.8

1983:   17 million prescriptions are written for estrogen

            Second California study shows that women who use The Pill for more than four years before their first full-term pregnancy or before age twenty-five are four times more likely to develop breast cancer before age forty-five

1984:   New England Journal of Medicine reports a 47 percent higher incidence of breast cancer among 4 million women who used DES while pregnant

The ACS predicts 115,000 new cases of female breast cancer

1985:   11.8 million American women age eighteen to forty-four are using The Pill, the leading reversible method of birth control in the United States; 25 percent of them are using it longer that five years

1986:   Nearly 12.5 million American women age fifteen to forty-four are using The Pill

            FDA approves Estraderm, CIBA Pharmaceutical’s new patch that delivers continue allow doses of estrogen through the skin for post-menopausal ERT

The ACS predicts 123,000 new cases of female breast cancer and 39,900 deaths

1987:   CASH study shows a more-than-200 percent increase in risk of breast cancer among fifty- to fifty-four-year-old women whose ovaries have been removed or who have a family history of breast caner and who use ERT

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1-in-10

1988:   Approximately 14 million American women age fifteen to forty-four are using The Pill

Nineteen years after the British have acted, the FDA recommends removing from the market all oral contraceptives containing more than 50 mcg estrogen

The ACS predicts 135,000 new cases of female breast cancer and 42,300 deaths

1989:   Nurses Health Study (121,000 married female nurses) show that women currently using oral contraceptives are 60 percent more likely than nonusers to develop breast cancer

            3.5 million American women are using ERT

The incidence of breast cancer in the America is 105 cases per 100,000 women     

1990: 26 percent of American women of childbearing age are using The Pill

            Nurses Health Study shows that women who use ERT are 30 to 40 percent more likely than nonusers to develop breast cancer

Incidence of ER+ tumors among American women is increasing five times faster than incidence of ER-negative tumors

The ACS predicts 150,000 new cases of female breast cancer and 44,300 deaths

1991:   16 million American women ager fifteen to forty-four are using The Pill; 37 percent of them for five years or longer

            15 percent of all post-menopausal American women are using ERT

A meta-analysis from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control attributes 4, 708 new cases of breast cancer and 1.468 deaths a year to use of ERT

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1-in-9

The ACS predicts 175,000 new cases of female breast cancer and 44,500 deaths

1992:   The National Cancer Institute predicts 180,000 new cases of female breast cancer and 46,000 deaths

An American woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is now 1-in-8

Chronology continued by Wendy Sellens DAOM

2000:   The AAFP predicts 182,800 new female cases of breast cancer and 48,800 deaths

2005:   The ACS predicts 211, 240 new cases of female invasive breast cancer and 58, 490 of in situ breast cancer and 40,410 deaths

The ACS predicts 1,690 cases of breast cancer in men and 460 deaths

2011:   The ACS predicts 230,480 new cases of female invasive breast cancer and 57,650 of in situ breast cancer and 39,520 deaths.

The ACS predicts 2,140 cases of breast cancer in men and about 1% of breast cancers and 450 deaths



Estrogen is a disease sold to you by the medical community which we swallowed daily. The medical community has always known that estrogen increases breast cancer. Now, they want to repeat this deadly process with our generation in the new repackaged, relabeled, renamed, “natural” forms of estrogen – flax, soy and bio-identical estrogen. Guess what? It is still the same ole’ estrogen, just in a plant form. If these plant estrogens are healthy, why aren’t breast cancer numbers decreasing?!

It is time to stop following the yellow brick road and listen to Glinda The Good Witch, "You had the power all along” – be estrogen free™. We have a generation to save…our daughters.



Wendy Sellens is a Chinese medical doctor, breast thermologist, thermography and hormone researcher and protégé to William B. Hobbins M.D., one of the original mammography researchers, leading researcher in thermography and renowned breast surgeon. She is following her mentor’s pioneering spirit and is president of the consumer advocacy group the Women’s Academy of Breast Thermography, president of The Pink Bow Breast Thermography Research and Education non-profit, author of “Breast Cancer Boot Camp – Dr. Hobbins’s Thermography Revolution” and creator of the Estrogen Free® lifestyle to dramatically reduce risk of breast cancer and hormonal disorders in the entire family.



Made with heaps of love, insurmountable work, oodles of research, the usual blood, sweat, tears, and of course sacrifice of my social life and a few minor melt downs. #thebreastdoc Wendy Sellens DAOM WABT-BTI ~ THE No BS Breast Thermologist

I’ve provided the TRUTH & I DARE you to…learn more…join the rebellion

Defend tee tees® breast cancer IS preventable with The Estrogen Free® Diet

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